I am posting this article because many users are facing this issue like “This certificate has an invalid issuer”

As apple have written :
The Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Intermediate Certificate expires soon and we’ve issued a renewed certificate that must be included when signing all new Apple Wallet Passes, push packages for Safari Push Notifications, and Safari Extensions starting February 14, 2016.
As I found an answer in post on the Stack Overflow : This certificate has an invalid issuer regrading Intermediate Certificate Expiration
Follow this steps :
- Open KeyChain access, Delete “Apple world wide Developer relations certification authority” (Which expires on 14th Feb 2016) from both “Login” and “System” sections. If you can’t find it, use “Show Expired Certificates” in the View menu
- Download AppleWWDRCA.cer and add it to Keychain access > certificates (which expires on 8th Feb 2023)
- Everything should be back to normal and working now (Check the certificate is valid and it should be display in green)