App Clips
An App Clip is a lightweight version of your app. From that you can make some of your app’s functionality available to users who don’t have the full app installed.
Technology Makes A Wonderful World
Let me share you the quick updates of Apple September 2020 Event. Following are the new announcements:
iOS 14 comes up with three new concepts of pickers, which are Menu, Date Picker and Color Picker. All of this will be useful for the developers as well as users of iOS. Today we will learn about the UIColorWell and UIColorPickerViewController.
Xcode 12 comes with great features! Simulator is also updated with new features. Let’s see in detail.
Hello Folks,
iOS 14 will come with too many new stuff for iOS Developers! Here, I am just exploring about new APIs of iOS 14. I get to know that there is new setup for the Launch Screen directly from the Info.plist file.
Just follow the simple steps posted here!