App Clips
An App Clip is a lightweight version of your app. From that you can make some of your app’s functionality available to users who don’t have the full app installed.
Show relevant, glanceable content from your app on the iOS Home screen or macOS Notification Center. With three different sizes available (small, medium, and large), widgets can display a wide range of information. When they need more details, your widget takes them directly to the appropriate place in your app.
Use the ClockKit framework to display app-specific data on the clock face.
Nearby Interaction
Use NearbyInteraction (NI) in your app to locate and interact with nearby devices using identifiers, distance, and direction.
Screen Time
The Screen Time framework used to share and manage web-usage data, and observe changes made by a parent or guardian to supervise their children’s web usage.
So many things are there to explore in iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur. If I get time, I will keep posted!
I am posting tweets/retweets about iOS everyday.
I hope you learned something. If you did, feel free to share this article with a friend or on social media. Let me know if you have any questions, comments or feedback – either via Twitter or email.
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Happy Coding 🙂